10 Tips for Printing the Best and Most Attractive Envelopes That Can Be Implemented by Envelop Printing Services in Coimbatore
1) Pocket or wallet?
All envelopes are divided into wallets or pockets. Simply put, wallets open on the long side and pockets on the short.
2) What size is it?
Envelopes are measured in 'C' sizes commonly amongst best quality printing services near me, which correspond to conventional paper 'A' sizes. A C5 envelope, for example, would hold A5 paper. A DL envelope, which contains 1/3 A4, is an exception to this rule (so an A4 sheet folded into thirds, or a compliment slip). The following are the most popular envelope standard sizes:

- C3 – 458 x 324mm
- C4 – 324 x 229mm
- C5 – 229 x 162mm
- C6 – 162 x 114mm
- DL – 110 x 220mm
3) Windows
This one is quite simple, however most envelopes are available with or without a window when you approach envelop printing services in coimbatore. Consider how you intend to use the envelopes - will there always be an address to show through? NEVER put an address sticker over the window - it gives the wrong idea right away. Often, you will require both; printing these at the same time will save you a lot of money.
4) Paper
All too frequently, people do not examine the material of their envelopes. Lightweight envelopes will provide the wrong impression if you're promoting a high-end product or business. Remember that the recipient will notice the envelope first (and feel). Similarly, if you're printing envelopes from firms like the best quality printing services near me for a large mailing job, keeping the weight low may be critical - it could save you a small fortune in postal expenses.
5) Machine mailing
If you intend to utilise your envelopes for a direct mail campaign, you must first consult with envelop printing services in Coimbatore and direct mail business before having your envelopes produced. Only certain envelope parameters are 'machinable' - the constraints are usually in size, whether they are pocketbook or pocket, and material weight. What envelope specifications the direct mail company can employ will be determined by the machines they utilise. It could be a costly mistake to print thousands of envelopes only to discover that they are unsuitable for use in a direct mail campaign (or may cost much more to do so).
6) Colours
Envelopes are often printed in CMYK (full colour) or between 1 and 4 spot colours (Pantones). The more colours you utilise, the higher the cost. Remember that black is considered a different colour, so if your logo is blue but your return address is black, we will print in two colours.
7) All over print?
Most envelopes are pre-made and overprinted with a logo, return address, and whatever else is desired. This is the less expensive and more efficient option, although it has some significant limitations. You must allow a strip along both edges of the envelope for the machine to 'grab' and space around the window. Overprinting all over (or inside) the envelope is not possible. The envelopes are produced flat by printing services near me and then assembled to do this. Due to the costs involved, this is normally only suitable for bigger batches, but it is possible to make any amount if desired.
8) Non standard & custom sizes
While the 'C' and DL sizes are the most prevalent amongst envelop printing services in coimbatore, there is a wide range of stock envelope sizes available. If you have a unique requirement, check with your envelope provider to see what options are available (remember to consider the points raised above at the same time). If they don't have exactly what you're looking for, you can have bespoke envelopes built from scratch, comparable to 'all over print.'
9) Postage regulations
This takes us to the topic of postage regulations. Standard post items in the UK are classified as 'letter,' 'big letter,' and 'package.' To qualify as a letter, the item must be 240 x 165 x 5mm in size and weigh less than 100g. The measurements for a larger letter are 353 x 250 x 25mm and the weight is less than 750g. A packet is anything larger or heavier. Try to use the smallest/lightest choice possible to minimise shipping expenses to a minimum - similarly, if you've paid for mail, you might as well use it... So, if your shipping pack weighs 55g, you can send an extra 44g without paying any additional postage fees. What else could you put in your mailing package to boost sales?
10) PPI
PPI is an abbreviation for Printed Postage Impressions that is referedby printing services near me. You can arrange for Royal Mail to print your postage directly on your envelopes, eliminating the need for stamps and franking. The Royal Mail website has more information here.
Once configured, the PPI can be printed with your brand and return address, saving time and money when utilised in the office.
11) Alternatives…?
If you're not sure if printed envelopes are ideal for you, there are alternatives available with envelop printing services in coimbatore. Perhaps you send out various sizes of mail or padded envelopes that are difficult to overprint. We would propose pre-printing label sheets in this case. Your logo and return address could be printed on A4 sheets of labels. These can then be over-printed with the recipient's address as needed and adhered to a typical plain envelope to get a similar effect. Label sheets come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but you'll definitely want to stick with A4 sheets to ensure that they print properly on your business printer. You can select from a variety of stock items for label size and number per sheet.